Storyville Preschool has been NAEYC accredited since 2004. Accredited programs must maintain standards of excellence set by NAEYC, and apply for reaccreditation every 5 years. Storyville has been granted reaccreditation with distinction, earning scores of 100% or more in 8 of 10 standards. Storyville earned 91% in 2 categories, and the classrooms scored an incredible 97% and 99%!  Parents can feel confident that in choosing Storyville they are getting the best possible education for their child.

The Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care has developed a scale to measure program quality called the QRIS rating scale. Programs must meet and maintain standards in many different areas of curriculum and early childhood development to achieve a rating. Most schools that are rated achieve either a 1 or 2, but Storyville received a rating of 3, which is an outstanding accomplishment. We are proud of our school and our top notch education!